Thursday, January 14, 2010

Attention... all parents, future parents and grandparents

The Jesus Storybook Bible is what I am raving about. We got ours in yesterday and we love it. I have read several of the stories to Nathanael and he seemed to like them as well. He has started to say Jesus and loves to pray with us now. I am hoping that he will love this little Bible and really be able to learn from it.

It is written in story form based on scripture. The illustrations are fabulous! I am really excited to read many of the stories for myself. :)

I took some pictures of some of the pages so you can get an idea of the illustrations and you may even be able to read a little bit as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Someone just gave this book to us yesterday!!! It looks so neat!!We are really excited to use it and have heard such great things about it!
