Friday, February 20, 2009

Nate's first official haircut!

Today was the day we decided that Nathanael needed to finally get his shaggy hair cut.  I had cut it several times on top but wouldn't dare try to cut the whole head!  I called and made an appointment for after his nap time so that he would be super chipper...12:30 we show up at the place.  Amy was waiting and ready to do his first haircut.  She came over to greet us and say hello to Nathanael then she asked us to put him in her chair. 
This wasn't an ordinary was a bright yellow car with a steering wheel and everything!  He loved it!  He wasn't so sure about the water being sprayed on his head but other than that he had a great first haircut! 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

We are PREGNANT with number TWO!

Yep... I am pregnant again!  We are very excited that the Lord has shown us such kindness as to bless us with another sweet baby!  I am really sick again like my 1st pregnancy but it is always a reminder that our little one is doing well! 

We went to our first doctors visit on Wednesday and got to hear the heartbeat and see our little "peanut."  I could never get tired of hearing that little heart beating a hundred miles per hour!  Another fun thing is that my mom got to be here for the ultrasound so she got to experience seeing her little grandbaby in the womb.  I will post a picture of the ultrasound in a later posting it is MIA at the moment!

We are truly thankful to the Lord and are taking each day one at a time.  You can pray that the Lord would give Bryan an unimaginable amount of energy.  He is having to take on many things around the house...most importantly Nathanael when I am really sick.  It is hard because he is in school, running our business, the shepherd of a Bible study and now taking on more at home.  He is such an amazing man and I love him more every single day!  It makes me appreciate him more seeing all that he is having to juggle and seeing him do it with such a willing and happy heart!  

Thanks for your prayers as we both seek to honor Christ with our lives and our family!