Here are some recent pics. The kids are great and growing very fast. I can't believe that Caleb will be a year old in a month. Nathanael and Caleb are both such blessings to us. Everyday is a challenge and very rewarding at the same time. We are loving being parents to 2 little boys. Nathanael's favorite song is "Jesus Loves Me" and he has really gotten into reading books. Caleb is weighing about the same as his big brother. He is crawling everywhere and into everything! Oh and his cheeks are the most squeezable kissable cheeks you could ever imagine.
We are loving our new house and the ability it gives us to host people. We have had birthday parties, launch team parties, neighbors over and of course family stay with us. It has been such a blessing from the Lord and we are very grateful.
Right now our church launch date is set for October the 3rd. Please pray that we could raise enough money and that the Lord would bring more people to serve at Harvest Bible Chapel Austin.
Enjoy the pics. I will try to post more often :)