Nathanael just got done with two weeks of swimming lessons. Of course at this age they are just trying to help them to get comfortable with the idea of getting in the water, splashing around and blowing bubbles. We had a good time getting to watch him and interact with him in the class. We both got in the water with him but Bryan was the main one helping him with what they were teaching. I am glad that he got to do it b/c now he practices putting his face under in the bathtub and is not scared!
Nothing much else is new here with us except, I am getting bigger and it feels like it keeps getting hotter. Nathanael is beginning to try to say more and more things which is fun and hard at the same time. It is fun b/c he is trying to communicate better but hard b/c most of the time I have no idea what he is saying. If we ask him where Caleb is he points at my tummy which is really cute!!! (I am not so sure that he doesn't think that everyone's stomach is named Caleb.)
Bryan is headed to Austin tomorrow to meet with different people about the church plant and to scope out some areas that he has found on the map that might be possible locations for the church. We are praying that the Lord would provide the right people and the perfect place for Harvest Bible Chapel Austin.
You can all be praying for us in the next month or so as we enter into a really hard time of transition. Bryan is leaving on August 24th to head for Chicago and I will stay here until a few weeks after I have Caleb. We are still working through all of the exact details but I am not looking forward to being without him for that long. You can pray that I would be strong and that the Lord would help me to have a good attitude!