As I wrote before Bryan and I went to TN for Bryan to preach a youth camp. The Lord was faithful in challenging the kids and adults with the preaching of His Word. Nathanael had a great time with his Grammy, which freed me up to support Bryan without worrying about him. I believe that the Lord changed lives and is still working in lives because of this youth camp. It makes me excited to see what the Lord has in store for us and our future ministry.
Since we have been back we have spent some extra time in Conroe with Grammy (Bryan's mom), gone to PF Chang's in The Woodland's t0 hang with family, had another doctor's appt. for Caleb, and celebrated our niece's 3rd birthday. We are busy but having a good time seeing and catching up with all of our family.
Oh and did I mention that I got a new car? It is actually a little bit bigger that your average car... I got a Ford Excursion. It is gorgeous and it drives like a dream! We decided to go ahead and get one of the biggest cars on the market to accommodate all the kids, both present and future. Bryan believes that I should have a one ton diesel so that his family will be safe and can drive it forever.
Nathanael is getting really big and loves to play golf. He has little golf clubs and will go around the house or the yard hitting anything and everything in his way. He also really loves taking rides in his papaw's golf cart! He is having a blast here because he actually has a back yard to run free and play. He wants to go outside all the time!!!
We have been swimming quite a bit as well...Nathanael enjoys it and it feels really good to a pregnant woman!