The reason I say Nathanael's First 1st Birthday Party is because this is his CA party with his friends and his Texas party is in a few weeks.
We had so much fun on Saturday celebrating the 1st birthday of our little miracle baby, Nathanael. I honestly have a hard time believing that a year has gone by but it has! We did a little fire truck theme party and invited a few of Nathanael's little friends. Katelynn, Hudson and the Norton kids all came to play and celebrate. We had yummy Subway sandwiches to eat and lots of playtime at the park. It was forecasted to rain all day but it ended up being one of the most beautiful days we have seen yet in SoCal.
By the time it was gift opening time Nathanael was exhausted and just crawled up in my lap and started sucking his thumb (which means please put me to bed!). He got some rally fun toys that he has very much enjoyed playing with over these past couple of days. We are thankful for great friends and the fun time that we had!
One of our high school students, Hailey, came and took pictures for us so that we could just enjoy the day. She got some really good ones! Enjoy!